
財富保全是指保護和保存資產,如現金,財產和投資,以維持或增加其價值的過程。這可能涉及各種策略,如投資多元化,最小化稅收和採取保險。 也包括使用法律和金融工具來保護資產免受潛在债款人,訴訟和其他風險的侵害。 財富保全對於高净值个人,家族辦公室和企业主非常重要,因為它有助於確保他們的資產可以傳給後代或用於實現其金融目標。

Wealth preservation is the process of protecting and preserving one’s assets, such as cash, property, and investments, in order to maintain or increase their value over time. This can involve a variety of strategies, such as diversifying investments, minimizing taxes, and taking out insurance. It also includes using legal and financial tools to protect assets from potential creditors, lawsuits and other risks. Wealth preservation is important for high net worth individuals, family offices, and business owners, as it helps ensure that their assets can be passed on to future generations or used to achieve their financial goals.




精品家辦是指專門為富裕家庭和個人提供全面服務的辦公室。這些服務可能包括財務管理、資產保值、稅務策劃、法律和移民問題解決、房地產和汽車銷售、私人飛機租賃、私人管家服務等。精品家辦的客戶通常是高净值家庭和個人,他們尋求高水平的專業服務和保密性。 精品家辦和單一家辦的主要區別在於服務的范圍和客戶的級別。



A boutique family office is a smaller and more specialized version of a traditional single family office. They typically serve a smaller number of ultra-high net worth families and provide a more personalized and customized service.

A single family office, on the other hand, is typically established by and serves the needs of a single, ultra-high net worth family. They provide comprehensive financial management services such as investment management, tax planning, estate planning, and philanthropy management.

A boutique family office can also provide comprehensive financial management services to a single family in a more tailored way. Some boutique family offices may offer a full range of services similar to those provided by a traditional single family office, but with a more customized and personal approach. This may include investment management, tax planning, estate planning, and philanthropy management, and they may also provide more specialized services like legal and tax advice and real estate management. The difference between a boutique family office and a single family office is that the boutique family office has a smaller client base and often provides a more tailored approach to their clients.