ChatGPT: 如何減少英國遺產稅責任?



(小體驗.. 寫得快過我好多 😭 呢個星期試多幾個問題同大家分享下)

The following recommendation was drafted by “ChatGPT”, the AI Chatbot. What do you think?

Estate duty, also known as inheritance tax, is a tax on the estate (the property, money, and possessions) of a deceased person. In the UK, inheritance tax is only payable if the value of the estate exceeds a certain threshold, known as the nil-rate band. To minimize the amount of inheritance tax that your estate may be liable for, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Make sure that your will is up to date and accurately reflects your wishes. This will ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and can help to minimize the amount of inheritance tax that your estate may be liable for.

2. Consider giving gifts to your loved ones while you are still alive. You are allowed to give away certain amounts of money and assets each year without incurring any inheritance tax.

3. Consider setting up a trust. A trust can help to protect your assets and can be used to minimize the amount of inheritance tax that your estate may be liable for.

4. Seek professional advice. A financial advisor or accountant with expertise in inheritance tax can help you to develop a plan to minimize the amount of tax that your estate may be liable for.






Investment strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a desired investment goal. It involves analyzing the market, setting a goal, and deciding which investments to make in order to reach that goal.